Tescom Hot Pot Grill Slow Cooker GPF60 $199.99 Delivered (Save $100) @ Costco On

HappyLife (洞穴人类 Rank: 2) 发表于 2022-7-25 01:09:53 | 显示全部楼层 [复制链接]
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Tescom Hot Pot Grill Slow Cooker GPF60 $199.99 Delivered (Save $100) @ Costco Online (Membership Required)

Saw this in Costco's email and bought one immediately.  My partner and I love to have hot pot at home when we are too lazy to cook.  Just buy the soup base and all ingredients in any Asian supermarket and dinner is sorted.

Product page is here: https://tescom.com.au/wpt/product/electric-hot-pot-grill-gpf...

One day deal only.

Oh, and it is made in Japan, if it matters to you.


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发表于 2022-7-25 01:09:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wlok9625 于 2022-8-23 17:18 编辑


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