Segway Ninebot F20A Electric Scooter $299 @ ALDI

HappyLife (洞穴人类 Rank: 2) 发表于 2022-7-25 01:15:36 | 显示全部楼层 [复制链接]
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Segway Ninebot F20A Electric Scooter $299 @ ALDI

Not sure if I have posted in right section or should go into forums, but this is still a active deal. Originaly posted here

[Segway Special Buys] (

Segway Ninebot F20A electric scooter is now on clearance at aldi for $299 (Original special buys was $499) . Many stores have the stock. You cannot check it online but if you walk in and ask the manager they may give you the details (They can check stocks at all stores and they are updated every 15 minutes)

Checked at Adelaide yesterday and many stores have the stock (not on display at most stores). Store manager confirmed few people are buying in bulk like 10-12 of them (assuming they will be reselling on different platforms)

Store manager can also check the stock at other stores and give you information of where you can find one.


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发表于 2022-7-25 01:15:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wlok9625 于 2022-8-24 00:51 编辑


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