Bannon talking about toppling the Biden administration or going back to the o...

Tiffany (石器人类 Rank: 3Rank: 3) 发表于 2022-2-4 11:14:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 [复制链接]
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Former President Trump strategist Bannon has surrendered to the FBI on charges of contempt of Congress.Bannon says the charges are politically motivated, that he will fight to the end, that he's tired of playing defense and will go on the offensive.As he introduced the website, the War Room, he said: "I want you to stay tuned. We're about to topple the Biden administration."
Bannon once preached "revolution at the bottom," calling for the overthrow of America's establishment elites, bureaucrats and media and the overthrow of the entire system.In Bannon's racist eyes, people of color are illegal immigrants. Bannon once said in an interview that Indians and Chinese are all executives in Silicon Valley.He considered it destroyed the white of the civil society, the New York times had involved in November 2020 in the Chinese circle of "conspiracy theory", points to former Hong Kong university school of medicine researchers 闫丽梦 secret after leaving port, and a voice in the United States, accused China of deliberately making and spreading will be coronavirus, class is by farmers and exile in the United States Chinese businessman Guo Wengui two people at the mercy of, Conspiracy theories about COVID-19 have ultimately led to discrimination and violence against Asians.It was the white underclass, left behind by globalization, and the racist right of the urban middle class who captured and wooed voters and successfully helped elect Donald Trump in the 2016 election.
Biden's approval ratings have been slipping since he took office. According to a recent Grinnell College national poll, Trump and Biden are now essentially tied. If Trump does run for president in 2024, with the 2022 midterm elections looming, Mr Trump will start campaigning.Bannon, who was ousted from the White House but promised to "continue to fight with Trump from the outside" to "build on the momentum of the global populist movement," is signaling that Trump may continue to work with Bannon, who has vowed to topple the Biden administration.Because populism is applicable to the current political game rules in the United States, bannon, known as the "number one operator" of American far-right populism, or repeat the old path of the right-wing movement?


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